10/11 Thoughts For Thursday – Safe Harbors & BONUS Viewer’s Choice Sketch Challenge {005}
My sweet friend, Amaryllis sent this quote to me on Monday. I asked her for a TFT idea and she said, “What about that quote I just sent you?” Sounds like a volunteer to me!!!!! Soooooo….. I decided to ask her to be my guest blogger and fill in for me while I was gone to Vegas this week.
Thoughts From Amaryllis:
“I love to create. I love to make layouts of my kids. I like to show off my scrapbooking talents… to my husband. When I show him a layout or a particularly good card I’ve done, it is easy to take his criticism because I’m craftier than he is and I know how it is supposed to be. He is a better writer than I am, so sometimes I enlist him for journaling. He is my “safe harbor”.
Stepping out of my comfort zone, the safety of my husband’s encouragement, the security that everything I make is perfect in my children’s eyes, is like going out into the unknown sea. Posting my art in public forums is really hard for me. Even though I feel my work is worthy, I am baring a piece of my soul, which is vulnerable to the criticism of my crafting peers. But what a better place to learn and grow!
I could keep my scrapping to myself and my family where I would only have to endure my husband’s occasional grimace when the colors don’t quite work out, or when he asks why I’m using staples for the 50th time (Editor’s note: I still don’t get the point of that). Occasionally I do post something that falls short of expectations, but I get encouragement and constructive criticism that helps me learn and grow, making me a better artist.
Amaryllis Briggs
Wife, Mom & CTMH Independent Consultant
Note to self: share more; grow more!
Edited by my DH who thinks that staples are for work not play!!
Bonus: Here’s a challenge to set your ships out sailing with…..
Tall & skinny cards are the hardest for me to do. Show me your stuff and use this basic sketch as your starting point.
Email a photo of your artwork or a link to your photo in your online gallery to me. I will post the artwork on the blog when I return from my trip and the VIEWERS will CHOOSE again. You may enter more than once.
The prize this time is a clear stamp set in the Thank You theme (40+ individual stamps)… and some other fun surprises. I think this is from Heidi Grace or Cloud 9. It is unused, but not in the original package.
October is Breast Cancer awareness month…
*Incorporating PINK as a theme will receive ONE BONUS VOTE from Sadie (my adorable furrbaby doggie buddy).
*Use PINK RIBBONS in your project and receive ONE BONUS VOTE from Brent (my adorable furry husband buddy).
*BONUS VOTES will be added on to the final vote count.
*Entries must be in my inbox by Friday, October 12th at 11:59 pm (MST).
* On Saturday, October 13th, I will post your artwork and voting will be open once it is posted. Recruit your friends and family to vote for your submission. (PLEASE COMMENT ONLY TO THIS POST with your votes. I won’t count votes that I have to hunt for.)* Voting will be closed on Friday, Oct 19th and the winner will be announced within 24 hours.