Chain Mail – But Not the Annoying Kind
I’ve been meaning to get these pics posted and when Jeanne showed her chain maille project I figured I’d better get it up.
When I was visiting Jeanne in Colorado earlier this month we took a little trip to her local Hobby Lobby which is seriously just around the corner from her house. I bought a whole buncha cool schtuff.. mainly jewelry making schtuff and this really cool “dress form”. to put in the empty corner behine my computer monitor. I’ve been looking all over for one for my studio. I thought it would be a fun “girlie” addition to my space. I also found a cool “bee” iron piece with a hook. I had also been looking forevvvver for one of those. I’m telling you, Jeanne is good luck to take shopping with you! *grin*
Here’s the super cool dress form.. AND.. it was 50% off! WOOT!
Currently it’s “displaying” my charm bracelet from Creative University. (I still need to post some pics of that, too!)
I couldn’t resist. It’s fabulous! And I don’t have to spray paint it! (*win* @ Jeanne).
While perusing the bead section, Jeanne took a little detour and came back with this FABULOUS book. She told me she’d been eyeing it for a while and that I would probably love the schtuff in it. Well, she was right, and well, it came home with me.
Here’s the book:
Was she ever right! There are SIX gorgeous projects in this little pamphlet book. I couldn’t find it on Amazon, but you can pick it up HERE. The projects are from a fabulous metal artist named Anne Mitchell. The instructions are super duper easy to follow along, especially if you read through them first BEFORE you start putting jump rings together and before you try just doing it by following the photos. LOL!
The bracelet I decided to try to make is called the Tryzantine bracelet. I didn’t have the right guage jump rings that it called for so I substituted a much smaller size to practice. (I’ve since found the right size wire and am going to make my own jump rings this week and try again.) Subsequently, my bracelet turned out smaller and looser than what it should have been, but I still love it and it’s fun to wear. 🙂 🙂
Here’s what I came up with…
Ok.. I’m off to crash. I am waiting on one more Scrap My Scraps Submission but do have one more to share. I just need to write the post and get the pics uploaded.
~Inky Smiles & Happy Monday (or Sun evening if you’re reading this already)!
4 thoughts on “Chain Mail – But Not the Annoying Kind”
Oooohhhhhhh, Erin! Love your bracelet! It came out great even if you didn't use the exact right size jump rings. It looks fabulous!
Love your dress form. You do know I cannot go through HL anymore without thinking of you and the fun time we had there, right? LOL You are too complimentary…you'd have found all though deals on your own, had you gone to your own HL. *Ü*
Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great week!
Luv the dress form. I have one in my space. I created a skirt for the dress form made out of ribbons. Not only is it pretty but practical since I select a ribbon right from her skirt. Either way they are a beautiful addition to the room.
The dress form is adorable beyond words! I've been thinking that I need one. Wonder if my HL still has one…
I noticed the chain mail on Jeanne's blog yesterday. Great job! I first heard of this a few months ago when my cousin started making it. Very pretty but I don't think I have the patience for it.
and love the dress form, too!
how tre chic!