

I haven’t really listened to the radio in ages… (I am so behind on “new popular music”.. lol) I’ve been using my drive time to work as “think time” instead of drowning out the world with the radio, but yesterday at work I flipped on my radio and this song was on and I couldn’t get it out of my head all day and most of last evening, so I did a little search on YouTube….

Beautiful voice, beautiful lyrics… reminds me of when I first starting dating my sweetheart over nine years ago… “all I ever think about is you”… sigh…. and I still have a *crush* on him.

Take a listen…

** If you want to purchase a legal copy of the song, which I just did, (and tote around in your ipod with ya) click on the “Purchase CRUSH here” widget on the right hand side of the blog.

3 thoughts on “Crush

  1. David was on the last American Idol series. He’s a great singer!He didn’t make #1 but I think he should have!! He was blessed with a beautiful voice and was born to sing!

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