Let’s Get Together Recipe Tin (posted AGES ago on CTMH boards)

Let’s Get Together Recipe Tin (posted AGES ago on CTMH boards)

I wanted to get something new and fun up here on the blog this weekend, but we had a variety of 10 different InkStaks to build this weekend and I just didn’t have time to finish my idea (YET).

Anyway, over the past couple of months I have received several email requests for a pic of this tin that I made waaaaaaaaaaay back in June/July and showed very briefly on the CTMH BB’s. (The original post dissappeared because when I resigned from CTMH, they deactivated my account and all posts associated with my account went to web post Heaven…. or wherever old web posts go when they die.) I thought I had posted it here on the blog, but I guess I never did… So, here’s a photo of the Let’s Get Together lunch tin.

Papers, inks, stamps are CTMH. Ribbons are CTMH, American Crafts & Offray. Buttons and other embellishments are from various vendors. I stamped flowers on acetate in versamark ink and then sprinkled white embossing powder on the inked images, heated, cooled, and carefully cut out the flowers. I don’t have a pattern for the top of the tin. I carefully traced it onto scrap paper and made my own template that way.

I made a very basic “measurement conversion chart” which I adhered to the inside of the tin lid and the recipe cards are from a CTMH kit. This was a LOT of fun to make!!!

Stay tuned… I’m working on a fun Valentine’s Day project today that involves a drill press in the wood shop, paint, paper, beads, etc. I am covered in paint and I think it’s gonna be fun!

Inky Smiles!

One thought on “Let’s Get Together Recipe Tin (posted AGES ago on CTMH boards)

  1. Even though this was a while back, you have helped me tremendously. Thank you soooooo much! Also, I’m going to link to your blog. If that’s not ok, let me know, k? Thanks!-Rachel

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