Pumpkin Winner – I did not forget!
Hey friends! I did not forget.. .lol! And my phone alarm kept screamin at me all day and all night.
We got home after 10 pm last night from work and clothes shopping for my man. He was in “desperate” need of new work clothes. I’ve been working on training him in the fine art of clothes shopping and buying clothes more than once per year, but… we must have gotten sidetracked somewhere, lol! Anyway.. we enjoyed a delightful dinner at PF Chang’s and then hit the stores. I managed to sneak in a stop to Tai Pan (home decor schtuff) and picked up a glittery black tin star and glittery orange BOO to hang in my front door wreath for Halloween. 🙂
Anyway.. without further adieu… (or whatever)…. the winner of the random drawing from the comments is: