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Tag: Creative University

Charmed, I’m Sure! A C.U. Recap – The Charm Swap

Charmed, I’m Sure! A C.U. Recap – The Charm Swap

I’m back with some photos of our Charm Swap from this year’s Creative University.  This year Tresa asked me to be the “Charm Mistress”/head Charm Fairy and organize and carry out the swap.  This year we did TWO separate and completely different charm swaps!!  It was a TON of work and a TON of fun!   I created a Charm School and our Charm Guidelines and posted them on our old CU students site.  Rather than me retype and post pics…

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Digital Art: More Charming Images

Digital Art: More Charming Images

Busy in the studio on the computer still… I’ve been LOVING playing with digital images and and creating fun little doo-dahs.  I’m in charge of the Charm Swap at Creative University and have been having so much fun with my charms.  I can’t show you my charms just yet but I wanted to share with you the image I am using on one of them (the Victorian Vintage Charm Swap)… This image is MUCH bigger than what the charm image…

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…and now I’m back…. for a minute anyway

…and now I’m back…. for a minute anyway

Hey friends! I am BACK from Creative University… OH MY GOOODNESSS! I am so exhausted! We had such a delightful, fantastic, exhausting, phenomenal BLAST! I can’t even begin to describe the amount of crazy fun we had. Let’s just say: Tresa Black ROCKS and throws one heck of a party! My roomies ROCKED! I met some FANTASTICALLY FUN people!! AND I will be BACK next year. 🙂 I won’t have a SSD Sketch for you this week. I am exhausted…

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