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Tag: Foodie

Pumpkin Spice Snickerdoodles

Pumpkin Spice Snickerdoodles

It’s no secret that I don’t like pumpkin… and since it is officially fall now we can talk about it! Ha! But I DO like pumpkin spice. You know why? Because there’s no actual pumpkin in it! It’s Pumpkin Spices (sometimes also called Pumpkin Pie Spice) – a blend of delicious spices, not pumpkin flavored spices. So many folks can be confused. Say it with me now, “pumpkin spice is not pumpkin.” Haha!  The pumpkin (pie) spice blend is a…

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Lemon Biscotti

Lemon Biscotti

I made biscotti this morning as part of a challenge for another group I am in. These are fantastic and super easy! This is my first time baking biscotti at home. I don’t usually love them from the store because they are SO HARD, like crack your teeth hard. But these were crisp, yet tender and sooo good. Even the hubs, who really doesn’t like biscotti, actually enjoyed them… and then asked if they were easy enough to make to…

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Spice, Spice, Baby

Spice, Spice, Baby

Since moving to Colorado I have been working part time as a professional organizer with my friend, Christa, at Peace Together Spaces.  It has been a lot of fun and fills my need to “sort and purge”.  Organizing other people’s spaces is a lot of fun and easier for me than organizing my own spaces (no emotional attachment to things).   Today I wrote a post for the PTS blog… let’s get those spice cabinets organized, peeps! Check it out by…

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Breakfast Muffins… To Go!

Breakfast Muffins… To Go!

  And now I’m back… from outer spaaaace… ok, so it has been WAY too long since I blogged.  I want to be a better blogger again.. really, but I refuse to promise to blog at “X” intervals because well, I’d be a big liar head and really, I don’t want to be that way. We’ve been trying to eat healthier (and mostly homemade) here at our house.  I am working on losing more weight and just getting back to…

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No Need to Knead & Soups On! Lazy Food….

No Need to Knead & Soups On! Lazy Food….

2023 edit – this post is super duper old and transferred from my old blog.   I plan on updating it in a new post in the future here with new photos and new mix in ideas.  In the meantime, enjoy this delicious bread! I’ve been learning that cooking at our high Colorado altitude is a little different than cooking at our previous altitude in Utah.  Here we are at 6,300 ft and in Utah we were at 4,700 feet.  While…

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Crafting with Food: Thai Fresh Spring Rolls

Crafting with Food: Thai Fresh Spring Rolls

Hello sweet friends! Our move to Colorado is coming along nicely… We found a home and will be living in a beautiful town called Castle Rock which is just about 12 minutes south of Brent’s work and 30ish minutes south of Denver. We will be closing on the home Nov 16th and moving out there that week.  Brent is currently commuting to Colorado.. which totally stinketh.  Our Utah house is now listed and we are anxiously waiting for a buyer. …

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BBQ’n, Smokin’ and Grillin’: Nom, Nom, Nom

BBQ’n, Smokin’ and Grillin’: Nom, Nom, Nom

So I have discovered this FABULOUS little online website called Groupon…. Groupon is a fun website that offers daily (weekday) “coupon” offers for your city. I subscribe to the Salt Lake City area, but you can sign up for ANY city they offer nearest you.    It’s free to join and you get daily emails with AMAZING offers.  Oh My Heck… and I have spent a fair bit of money on it buying Groupons for fun adventures and savings…. A couple…

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