What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the Hula?

What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the Hula?

long time ago, in a craft studio far, far away, I participated in a swap….. Remember this swap I mentioned WAAAAY back when and posted some sneak peeks along the way ?? Well, I finished my cards for Part 2 waaaay back in Sept and sent them to our hostess…. Here’s one of the cards that I made using Tiffany Cheney’s random stamped paper.

Click the photo for a larger view.

tiffany27scardpart2-8111137All papers, stamps & inks are CTMH. I used my scalloped scissors (remember those deco scissors from the 90’s? I found mine in the Great Dejunking) to cut a decorative edge around the green mat, pierced the edge with my paper piercer and then pounced some pearlescent chalks from Pebbles, Inc around the edges. Ribbons are from SU! and Offray. Liquid Glass from CTMH. Paper flowers from Prima. Yes, that is real stitching. Love my machine for paper stitching and not real sewing! LOL!

Stay tuned for more reveals…

2 thoughts on “What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the Hula?

  1. This card is AWESOME!!! You MUST submit it to Paper Crafts. How clever! You go girl!!~Korinwww.inkydoodle.blogspot.com

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