Faux Stitching & Girls Night Out

Faux Stitching & Girls Night Out

Last week was Kristin’s birthday. We (Renae, Kristin, Trish, Kaylee, and Amber) went to dinner at Los Hermanos and then went to see the movie, Twilight. (Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it… discussion for a different day). I made this birthday card for Kristin and totally cased one of my old Christmas cards that I made when I was a consultant for CTMH. I really like how this pink n chocolate one turned out, too!

I did some faux stitching on the card by poking holes with my SU paper piercing guide and then drew lines using a white gel pen. I love how it worked out! I used the CTMH edge distresser to rough up the band across the front of the card. The card is a bi-fold card. The top flap folds over the bottom flap (folds at top and bottom). I cut out the curved pink flap and glued it to the card base flap to extend it and create the curved piece.

CTMH – Cardstock: Blush, Chocolate, Cocoa Cafe paper
CTMH Organdy ribbon
White Gel Pen
SU Paper Piercing Kit
Nestabilities Classic Circle and Scalloped Circle
Wire & Wire Cutters/pliers
Glass Beads

Cased card:

I also made a quick little football album for her to capture her BYU football game adventures in. She is the most intense BYU Football Fan that I know and goes to games with her brothers and sis, even out of town games. I typed up the BYU Fight Song and snagged some pics from her sister’s Facebook account and printed them off to put in the little album.. We had a super fun night!

PS – Kristin’s the cutie patootie in the new pink shirt and chocolate vest 🙂


7 thoughts on “Faux Stitching & Girls Night Out

  1. Wow! You’ve certainly been busy. Love what you have shared!I’m making progress on what I am working on, but probably need another week to finish it all off!

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