Happy Valentine’s Day – Playing Card Coupon Book

Happy Valentine’s Day – Playing Card Coupon Book

{Brent has been unsubscribed from my blog (for now) and has sworn not to look at the blog until Sunday.. hahaha!  }

So I wanted something creative yet simple to do for my sweetheart for Valentine’s day this year.  I am not a big expensive gift person on Valentine’s day.  I think Valentine’s day is a good day to show the people you love, whether you’re single or married, that you DO love them.  You can write a nice letter or do small acts of service, etc.

While perusing blogs this past week I came across a super darling new to me blog.    Tatertots & Jello is a fabulously cool blog with loads and loads of crafty goodness on it.  I’ve been just oogling over the fun things she’s been making!  Jen posted this darling little Valentine’s day coupon book on her blog.  She made it in MS Word and even provided a download so we could all make our own!  How saWEET is that?  THANK YOU, JEN!   So I decided I HAD to make one for my sweet hunny hunny and set off to the Dollar store to find some cheap-o playing cards on which to glue my little cards. {They had TWO packs for a buck! saWEET!}

I have a ton of these little quart size pails that I bought at Christmas time from Joann’s thinking I’d put neighbor goodies in, but never got around to and thought that one would make a nifty little container for some Valentine’s goodies.  Brent LOOOOOOVES those Lindt milk chocolate truffle ball thingies so I picked up a bag and tossed them in with some fancy shred.. They look scrumptious in there… I could have left it at that, but I like to bling things up a bit… but it had to be appropriate for a man and I had to contain myself. LOL!  So I pulled out the scrap papers I’d been playing with for the cards I posted previously.  I had plenty of stickers and paper left… a little circle on the top with a couple of stickers and then a nice black sticker wrapped around the bucket. Perfect!

The coupons are for loads of different things, some treats and goodies and others mostly things to do together or things he likes to do. {A road trip, movie night out with all the treats, a couple of backrubs, some unmentionables.. haha, candlelight dinner for two, a trip to SubZero ice cream, etc.}   I printed up the sheets from Jen {after personalizing for my hunny}, cut out and glued to the cards {use something STRONG – glue sticks won’t work for this one}, punched holes in the corners and strung them on a big round ring to which I tied some fun little ribbon scraps.

I’ll stop blabbering now and share my little present. 🙂

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We’re headed to the symphony on Saturday {Dvorak’s New World Symphony} and then we’re going to have a nice quite homemade lasagna dinner at home on Sunday.  I think I might even pull out our china!

Are you doing anything fun this weekend?  What does your family do for Valentine’s day?

~Inky Valentine’s!

Supply List:
* Dollar store playing cards
* Template from Tatertots & Jello (Free)
* Lindt chocolates
* Quart size pail
* misc papers, stickers, and ribbons
* fancy shred
* Adhesive
* Metal ring

4 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day – Playing Card Coupon Book

  1. FANTASTIC! He's gonna love it and YOU for taking the time to make something so sweet and thoughtful for him. He is indeed a lucky man!

    Thanks for the link. I'm gonna check it out for sure!

    Have a glorious weekend, my friend!

  2. Great gift! I think I'll have to start planning farther ahead so I can actually get things done in time to get them to their recipients for the occasions they're for… This is a great idea to hang onto – thanks for sharing it!

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