I Think I’m Back {again}… lol.. & a Canning Recap!
I’ve been a crazy busy girl around here the past couple of weeks. Stacey Flores came to visit for a week had sooo mcuh fun! (I have some fun pics and maybe a video or two to share, too.) I worked like crazy last week and had a lot of other things going on, too.
Basically my sporadic posting on this blog boils down to one thing, my health. For the last couple of years I have had really bad health. It finally came down to severe iron deficiency anemia (which went undiagnosed for a long, long time) and some issues with my heart that were due to the IDA. It has been a rough, rough road and I had to wear my “game face” way too long. HOWEVER, comma, but, my health seems to be finally getting better and I am feeling the excitement and finally have the ENERGY to do the things I’ve wanted to do for a long time now. Without getting into too many details, today marks 4 months since I had a minor procedure that basically prevented further major surgery and pretty much “saved my life”. I just feel like doing all the projects around the house and in my home that I haven’t been able to do for the past couple of years. I have just felt this zest for life and doing things over the past several months and have not wanted to spend as much time on the computer. I HAVE been crafting here and there and making jewelry but have not cared about photographing it and sitting at the computer long enough to blog about it because I’ve been too busy DOing things. LOL! Anyway… for those of you who hang with me on Facebook you have seen me posting about the goings on. Facebook seems to be so much easier lately because I can have the laptop on in the kitchen or front room and stop and post tidbits as I walk past the computer throughout the day.
This year we’ve been focusing a lot in our home on getting our food storage/emergency together and have canned and bottled foods like crazy people over this summer. I’ve been doing some major couponing and getting LOADS of stuff we use for free. (I ONLY use coupons on items we actually use.) We have also been so blessed with being gifted a lot of free fresh goodies (cucumbers, grapes and apples) and found some incredible sales on meats and other goodies. These are goodies we will eat throughout the next year and a half and then start all over! I am EXTREMELY grateful that my husband will do this with me. At first I think he did it just to
Here’s a list of what’s been keeping me/us busy:
59 Quarts of Apple Pie Filling (many for gifts)
17 Quarts of Applesauce
7 Quarts of Apple Slices in light syrup
6 Pints of Apple Butter
13 Quarts Peaches (Red Haven Peaches)
44 Quarts of Tomatoes (crushed)
20 Quarts of Dill Pickles (1/2 were gross, so they got tossed 8 wks later)
9 Pints of Chili Sauce (like a tomato relish, B’s Great Grandma’s recipe)
11 Half Pints of Roasted Red Pepper Spread
7 Half Pints of Ketchup
11 Half Pints of Dill Pickle Relish
14 Quarts of Concord Grape Juice Concentrate
11 Small Jelly Jars (1/2 of a half pint) of Grape Jelly
13 Quarts Chicken Noodle Soup (minus noodles)
20 Pints of Chicken (in chunks)
6 Quarts of Chicken Broth
19 Pints of Beef (in chunks)
6 Pints of Beef Stock
8 Pints of Cranberry Apple Preserves (with orange pieces, too)
6 Half Pints of Cranberry Apple Relish (w/pecans and brown sugar)
And currently simmering in a big pot on my stove:
Cranberry Apple Butter (1 big batch) to go in half pint jars
I think that’s everything.
I think we’re done canning.
Except for some more apple butter…
But I think we’re done canning.
I hope.
Here are a few snapshots of our 2010 adventures…. You can click to browse through the album (it will open in a new page) or or you can glance over the small thumbnails below. 🙂
10 thoughts on “I Think I’m Back {again}… lol.. & a Canning Recap!”
Hi Erin! SO glad to hear that you've had a diagnosis and are now getting better. From the looks of things, you'll be eating very healthy, too! LOL What a stockpile!!!!! I now know where to go (oh, wait, I don't really) when I'm hungry.
Bottom line – missed you loads and so glad you are back!
Welcome back to the blogoshpere! Glad you're on the mend, chica! I totally hear you on the being too busy DOing to blog about it – same in my corner of the world…
You've got a stash o' goodies, for sure! I don't have the patience to go to the grocery store, let alone use coupons and can and all the rest of it – good for you, I say!
My kids talked me into getting a Facebook account, but I've even been too busy to go there, so I missed your posts, there, too 🙁
Hope the upswing continues! Later, chica!
Erin!! Thank you for this post! I'm SO glad to hear that you are feeling better. And that you are taking time to DO the things you want to do. All of your hard work sure has paid off.
Let this just be the beginning of an awesome year for you my sweet friend. Love and hugs!!
I'm so glad you're starting to feel better! Wow girl! You have been busy… The only thing I put in jars this year is honey.. next year is my year. I try to load up every two years. Maybe I should change my theory and do a few things every year. I've gotta make a plan!
I am glad you are back. Anemia is such a toll taker, especially since I am speaking from experience.
Go you on the canning. I started to can stuff,but not like you. Any suggestions/recipes you would like to share.
I'm so glad you're feeling better!!! By the pictures and the “list”, you've been B.U.S.Y!!! They all look DELISH and the apple butter sounds YUMMMO!!! I hope you continue to feel better so you can be that spunky Erin we all LOVE!!!
You go girl!
Canning is crafty!
Just sayin'!
So glad they picked up what was wrong finally- you say you haven't felt like doing much-I'm tired just reading the list of stuff you've preserved. wow. clever girl where do you store it all- my house isn't that big. Keep good health and catch you soon.
WOW, you have been crazy busy!! Just look at all of those beautiful jars! 🙂
So I finally found it again. Love your projects. The pic of canning really put it in perspective. That cranberry apple jam is GTREAT!!!!