

OOOOH! I was a busy girl today!  I cleaned my studio and took some photos!  There are a TON of photos to edit and then a blog post to write, but I wanted to show you some snippets.

First things first….

My darling, sweet and endearing hottie husband cleaned out the window well for me today.  I have this HUMONGOUS 4×5’ window in my basement studio and there was junk still in it from the flood from last summer, so he climbed down the ladder and hauled the junk out, washed the window, and put the screen back in for me.  What a trooper!   Today he also finished painting the trim that went back up in the studio a couple of days ago… YAY!  I LOVE YOU BRENT 🙂

Here are some fun snapshots:

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And here’s a few snippets from my Studio…..


I need to apologize.  This week got away from me and I missed my regularly scheduled Thoughts for Thursday again.   We’ve been pretty crazy around here this week.    It’s late, I am EXHAUSTED from a long day so I’m off to bed, then church tomorrow, some relaxation, maybe some pre-birthday birthday cake and ice cream with my hottie, and then MAYBE some photo editing of the studio pics… maybe even a card post… lol!

Inky Smiles!

5 thoughts on “Snippets

  1. Ooh, fun! It’s nice to have a nice husband, isn’t it? And, I can’t wait to see your studio, although I know I’m gonna be green with envy. The snippets have piqued my interest!

  2. Ooooohhhhh, Erin! What a sweet and wonderful hubby you have there! Lucky ducky!And I just love the snippets collage! I can’t wait to see the official reveal!

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