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Tag: Main Dishes

Kung Pao Chicken

Kung Pao Chicken

Many years ago the mister and I would often go to PF Chang’s and get Kung Pao chicken. It used to be a favorite, but over the years PFC’s food has seemed to go downhill and we haven’t been back in many years. One night I decided to come up with a version of Kung Pao Chicken that we both liked and that was fairly simple to throw together on a weeknight. I’m not claiming this is “authentic” or even…

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Rustic Burrata & Salami Pizza

Rustic Burrata & Salami Pizza

My husband is a big time fan of pizza, especially homemade pizza. Me, on the other hand, I can go a long time without eating pizza. When I do eat a pizza I want the crust to be on the thinner side on the bottom and have a super bubbly and chewy crust. A few nights ago we made a pizza with a crust that was absolutely amazing. I played around with dough – this one that works amazingly with…

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Chicken Taquitos

Chicken Taquitos

One of my most favorite foods ever, in the history of food are chicken taquitos… but not those gross ones made with paste from the freezer section of your fave grocery store. A good, homemade, shredded chicken taquito that has been fried perfectly golden. For weeks I’ve been telling the mister “I want to make taquitos.” And for weeks we’ve either been too busy or too tired. Today I was both, but dang it I wanted taquitos. They were supposed…

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Papa’s Mexican Steak

Papa’s Mexican Steak

Sometimes in your life you meet an amazing person online… I have met many amazing people, through creative interests and foodie interests. I met Carla several years ago in a foodie group and we just really clicked as friends. She is both crafty and a foodie. Over the years we have traded recipes back and forth as we shared our excitement of yummy food. A month or so ago she shared the recipe for her dad’s Mexican steak – Papa’s…

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Sweet & Sticky Crispy Beef

Sweet & Sticky Crispy Beef

We made this Sweet & Sticky Crispy Beef recipe from Pups with Chopsticks recently and it was AMAZING!! It is absolutely AMAZING. It is a bit of work, but it is totally worth it. The first time we made this we did not have potato starch so I used corn starch and it was plenty crispy that time. This time we used potato starch and it was even more AMAZING! I hope you give this a try! Edit: Funny Story…

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Breakfast Muffins… To Go!

Breakfast Muffins… To Go!

  And now I’m back… from outer spaaaace… ok, so it has been WAY too long since I blogged.  I want to be a better blogger again.. really, but I refuse to promise to blog at “X” intervals because well, I’d be a big liar head and really, I don’t want to be that way. We’ve been trying to eat healthier (and mostly homemade) here at our house.  I am working on losing more weight and just getting back to…

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Crafting with Food: Thai Fresh Spring Rolls

Crafting with Food: Thai Fresh Spring Rolls

Hello sweet friends! Our move to Colorado is coming along nicely… We found a home and will be living in a beautiful town called Castle Rock which is just about 12 minutes south of Brent’s work and 30ish minutes south of Denver. We will be closing on the home Nov 16th and moving out there that week.  Brent is currently commuting to Colorado.. which totally stinketh.  Our Utah house is now listed and we are anxiously waiting for a buyer. …

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