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Tag: Sadie

New Beginnings, A Do-Over, Sadie & Ellie

New Beginnings, A Do-Over, Sadie & Ellie

I know it has been an eternity since I last wrote anything on this blog.  It’s been a crazy couple of years.  I took a needed break after we lost our Sadie.  I stopped creating and stopped writing.  It was a hard time. I don’t even know where to start back up again but I feel the draw to blog again… I don’t want to skim over important things, but at the same time I don’t want to take forever…

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Summer 2015

Summer 2015

It has been a rough summer here at our house. Brent was unemployed for three months (the company who hired him last fall was somewhat not so great) but just started working again a little over two weeks ago.  In July Sadie started having some health issues, which we treated and thought were resolved… until a week ago when we ended up in the vet  ER and found out she had a broken right humerus.  Last Tuesday she had surgery…

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A Garden Adventure… The Cute, The Hot & The Ugly

A Garden Adventure… The Cute, The Hot & The Ugly

I went to Curves this morning and came home hoping to crash…. well, I barely had time for a “break” when I walked back down the hall and there was my sweet puppy looking at me… with those puppy eyes…. (Please ignore the ugly couches… the dark denim slipcovers are downstairs in the pile we call Mt Grotegut. Don’t worry… they will come back up on Sunday evening when we fold laundry while watching a movie and the living room…

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Party Dress…. err Hat

Party Dress…. err Hat

Who needs a party dress when you have a handcrafted party HAT? We had a little bday party for Sadie on Sunday after church with some friends of ours. I made jumbo chocolate fudge cupcakes with frosting and sprinkles.. mmmm…. (It was a nice break to get out of the house as I was miserable in pain – fibromyalgia – and sniffly from a cold on Saturday morning and afternoon.) I stamped the white daisy CS with CTMH stamps and…

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Happy Birthday Sadie!

Happy Birthday Sadie!

Today is the birthday of my beloved furrbaby, Sadie. No, I am not the crazy dog lady… well, ok, maybe I might be …. just a little bit. I made this little card in honor of her bday. I used American Crafts paper, CTMH chalks & inks, and the stamp is from Stampin’ Up. We were feeling baby hungry a few years back, 6 ago this Nov 5th to be precise, and took a little window shopping trip to the…

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