A Hot Date, A Sale & A Winnner!

A Hot Date, A Sale & A Winnner!

A Hot Date!

I am so stoked! Tonight Brent and I are going to the Symphony in Salt Lake City! Last week we heard and advertisement on the radio for Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” and I casually mentioned to Brent that that might be fun to go to… well he called me at work later that morning and asked me what price of seats I wanted and then called the box office and purchased aisle(he knows I prefer aisles) seats on row 9!! How sweet is that!? I am super excited! He’s coming home early and we’re going to dinner before the symphony! When I lived in Germany I was able to attend symphonies and ballets and operas all the time at very, very low prices. Sometimes if we were downtown and shopping we’d stop by an opera house and see what was playing and just pop in and buy tickets… blue jeans or not. We’d just go whenever we felt like it. (I sure miss it!)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPxaWendWNA&hl=en&fs=1]

So ScrapGirls.com is having a sale!!! It’s a pretty decent one, too. Shop now and receive 18.7% off almost everything in their boutique!

Go shopping now...


77a05-untitled-1-7721861I am late posting the winner, I know… and I am very sorry. Last night we crashed early and I totally forgot about it until I was laying in bed with my contacts soaking in their happy little case ….

Drum roll please! (Or you can tap your fingers on your desktop…)


Random.org selected comment #2 of 19 comments on this post. Comment #2 belongs to Nichole.

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