A New Challenge: Scrap My Scraps

A New Challenge: Scrap My Scraps

A while back when I was cleaning out my closet I came across a bunch of packets of card “guts” from a workshop that I did many moons ago (I think it was at least 3 years ago) when I was a consultant for CTMH.   It was a 6 card workshop for a bunch of “beginner” (aka virgin crafters) card makers and I had figured that the easiest way to do the card night was to pre cut all the pieces and layer them in a packet to use the night of the card class.   A few people did not show up and I had a bunch of leftover packets.   What to do with odds and ends pieces?  Rather than empty them out and put them into my scraps piles I decided it would be super fun to ask a few friends to help me do something with them.

Welcome to my first Scrap My Scraps Challenge!

Each player in this challenge was given 1 complete packet of card guts, complete with a little baggie of the bits of embellishments we used for the cards.

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The “RULES” were simple:

1.   Create one card from each layer stack thingy.
2.  Use ALL of the pieces that go to each card.
3.  Use any stamps to complete cards.
4.  You may add one piece of extra cardstock to the card and any extra embellishments.

(More like guidelines, anyway….)

The players in this round (yes, I think I will do this again…) are:

Alisha Trussell
Jeanne Tomshack
Kathi Carlson

These poor girls started with some really crappy pieces of scraps…. the cards that I made for my class were very, very basic and simple.   The girls did AWESOME!  You can see their styles and personalities in each of their cards.

The goal of this challenge was to see what each person did with their scraps.  Everyone started with the same basic pieces – no sketch.  I just wanted people to have fun and create just for the sake of creating.  I think the goal was accomplished!  Thank you to each of you for playing!

So, without further adieu/adoo/whatever/blah blah blah…

Here’s set #1:

We started with:


My original card:


The Players:

Check out her paper piecing and cool ruffley ribbon flower! I love the layering of the individual pieces of cs, too!


LOOOVE the random stamping and cool side tie knots and button nosed flowers!


LOVE the white polka dots, so cool, stamped over the random stamped card pieces and a cheerful hello to greet the recipient!


Isn’t it fun to see all the different takes??

Photoshop is giving me heck today with editing photos… I’ve got half of card #2 edited, but I’ve got to hit the sack and head up to work early tomorrow morning and then go find a brown skirt somewhere… hopefully Dress Barn will save my hiney… lol!

Stay tuned!  More cards posted tomorrow (Monday) night!

Inky Smiles!

12 thoughts on “A New Challenge: Scrap My Scraps

  1. Fun challenge! They do a similar thing in BHG Scrapbooks Etc. magazine. They give different people the same materials and see what everyone comes up with. I always like to see how the same materials can be used in so many different ways!

  2. Wheeeeeee! These are SO cool! I love Alisha's and Kathi's takes on the cards!!!

    This was fun and yes, challenging (those scraps!) but to see the end results are fantastic.

    Thanks for the opportunity, Erin!

  3. Very cool idea! I did this once with my downline and I really should do it again to use up some of my leftovers from past workshops – TFS!

  4. What a great challenge! I love seeing what other people make with the same pieces. I also think it would be interesting to see what your orignial card looked like!!! Thanks for the inspiration – I have tons of scrap packs lying around from workshops gone awry! Now I can put them to use!!! 🙂

  5. Erin,
    Thanks for the fun challenge.It was tricky working with those pieces.Was I suppose to use your embellishments????? Yikes… I didn't even open the bag… Oh and it seems everyone else had two bamboo colored pieces… I only got one…Maybe I got lucky. It seemed the more pieces we had to work with the harder it was.

    Also, just have to say that I loved the paper piercing that Jeanne did… and Kathi's white polka dot stamping was genius.

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