Big HUGE News

Big HUGE News

Friends & Family…

We have some crazy news! And now that all our immediate family knows I can “say it on the webs….”. hehe.

This last week we had a major curve ball thrown at us. We’ve had a feeling for several months (which explains a little bit of my distraction from my blog) that “something was in the works” for us. A week ago this past Friday Brent was offered a promotion/new position at his company’s (Jab Broadband) corporate offices in Denver. We drove out  a week ago Saturday morning to look around and he met with the owner of the company on Monday morning.

For the past couple of years (each time we’ve traveled to CO for B’s work) we have “joked around” that if the opportunity to move to Colorado ever happened we would move there…

Brent accepted the position last Tuesday. He will be the Director of Divisional Accounting (over 6 divisions spread out over 10 states). This is a huge opportunity for him and an excellent resume builder. He starts full time in Denver on October 1st. He will be commuting to Denver from Utah until we sell the house.

This is HUGE for us… and a little emotionally difficult for us… even with me being a former Army Brat… I’ve actually been planted here in Utah since 1994 and in this lovely little home we built in 2001, and Brent grew up here.  But it’s also a wonderful opportunity and God has put people in our path in this adventure that we did not expect… I do not believe in “chance meetings”… I know God is preparing good things for us in this new adventure…

We are on the lookout for boxes and packing supplies… oh, and for someone to buy our house… so if you know of anyone looking in the Payson area send them our way. This is a FANTASTIC place to live 🙂

Inky Smiles!


5 thoughts on “Big HUGE News

  1. Woohooo, Erin! It's all official and stuff. Congratulations to you both. I'm sure everything will fall into place and I look forward to 45 minutes over 8 hours. ;).


    And welcome to Colorado.
    Prayers and good thoughts going up for you that all goes with out a hitch. That you will be able to quickly sell your house so you can be together and Brent doesn't have to commute back and forth.

  3. Congrats!!! You'll love CO and I'm sure all of us crafty gals here will help you feel welcome. Have a safe journey and hopefully you'll be here full time soon!
    ~Miranda in Denver

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