NSD 2012: A Day at Doodlebug!

NSD 2012: A Day at Doodlebug!

Last week my friend, Michelle (in WA state), sent me an email about a last minute event at Doodlebug Design in Salt Lake City….  I jumped at the opportunity to go, even last minute, and invited my friend, Tahne (in SLC), to come along.  Oh my gosh, was I glad I did!  I had the most fun NSD outing ever on Saturday!

NSD_Doodlebug_Office picture

Doodlebug HQ is probably one of the most colorful places on the planet… what a FUN, FUN, place it would be to work!  We checked in, picked up our goodie bags, and went exploring…. Rather than show you EVERYTHING I snapped pics of, I will just share some of the higlights/faves of the day… (Check out the Doodlebug Blog or FB wall for lots more photos….)

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We started out in the new little store…  CHECK OUT THAT WALL OF BLING…. Glitter, , flock, gems, glitter, and did I mention GLITTER? The photo of the glitter jar lineup in Cynthea’s workroom are 6” tall by at least that square.  Oh pure Heaven.



The little store was choc full of goodies and INSPIRATION!  The artwork was awesome, fun, and bright!  They even had little diorama/landscapes in glass cases.  Here are some of my fave bits:

Fabulous,  quick and easy cards:


Here fishy, fishy… loved this “shadow box art”:


A few dioramas/landscapes:

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After we perused the store we headed to lunch in their DARLING Doodlebug style lunch room.  I wish I’d snapped a photo of it.  But suffice it to say it was as colorful, bright, and fun as the rest of the place!  Even our lunch boxes were full of color and happiness…


Our first class was with Wendy Smedley (The Organized and Inspired Scrapbooker) and Cynthea Sandoval (owner of Doodlebug).  We made 2-8×8 double page layouts.. SUUUPER CUTE stuff!  I was super excited to meet Wendy.  She’s the reason I have organization in my studio.  Her awesome book helped me figure out my organization style without having to go through tons and tons of money wasted on things that don’t work for me.

Working on the first layout…. it gave me all sorts of embellisment ideas for the mini album project that I’m teaching at my retreat in Park City this month…


Tahne and I..


Wendy and I…


Time for a potty break.. check it out.. even the BATHROOMS are pretty! There was happy color and artwork in every bathroom.  (Don’t worry, I was OUTSIDE the bathroom peeking in from the hallway.)

And did I mention the gym?  I think I might be motivated to do more working out (at work) in a happy green gym… love the wavy mirrors… distort that sweaty, melty, me… *giggle*


Ok, back to crafting…  Our last class was with Stacy Julian from Big Picture Scrapbooking.  Her presentation was AWESOME!  She talked about reclaiming our lives.  I took a few notes… here is what touched me:

*Women were born to make things beautiful!

* We don’t owe anyone anything. We don’t HAVE to scrapbook, we don’t HAVE to take a gatrillion photos, we don’t HAVE to blog, we don’t HAVE to cook the fanciest dinner… we just have to take care of ourselves, and our families (whatever type they may be).

*Recognize memorable moments.   What you can say about the memorable moments matters most, not just the photos and scrapbook pages.   I love this thinking! Stacy said to pick what you love and capture that memory.  Don’t stress over scrapping every single photo.  It’s about the moments of life.   I’m trying to live my life, I’m offline more now, and I’m happier.  It felt good to have someone else validate my current feelings and situation.

*Guilt and obligation kill your creative muse.
I loved this!  Too often I guilt myself because I haven’t blogged in over a month… or because I have 15,000 photos on my hard drive that need to be printed and scrapped in some way or another.

* The EQ (Enough Quotient)… Figure out what is enough for you… how much is “enough for me to be happy” in X aspect of my life?   Jennifer Louden (www.jenniferlouden.com) said, “Not knowing how to declare what satisfies you is at the core of many of your so called issues.”  SO TRUE!   You have exactly enough time to scrapbook or document your most important memories.

* Be Realistic! There is no normal.  Set realistic creative (and everyday)goals.  Keep Your Head Up.

(Stacy played a snippet of “Keep Your Head Up” by Andy Grammer and had us all stand up and dance…. LOVED it!)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmrOB_q3tjo]


*CUTE MATTERS You deserve some sort of space to make YOURS… a place that makes you happy, whether it’s a room, a corner of the kitchen, a closet in a bedroom… add some color and something pretty, even if it is just a small bucket of colorful crayons.

Speaking of cute… check us out… Ok, I think maybe I meant “cheesey” for me, cute for Stacy.


And more cute stuff!  The contents for the card making we did in Stacy’s class… I love these cute quick little cards!

And Cynthea’s office… oh my… can I just move in? Pretty please?


It was such a fun day!  On our way out of Stacy’s class (and on to more shopping at the store) we passed a class room and saw a familiar head of hair… Lo and behold it was Kristine Widtfelt from Close To My Heart.  We stopped and chatted with her for a few moments.  I didn’t want to annoy her with a photo op since she was ATTENDING the event and not hosting it.  She was very sweet!

Here are a few snap shots of my finished projects.  We did a button bracelet, too, but I haven’t snapped a photo of that. (I’m too lazy my legs hurt from my 5 mile bike ride this am too much to go upstairs and get it.)

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We strung the twine across the page to create a visual “division” for photos. Love this technique!


And the four cards we made…. in a snap!


I hope you had a fabulous NSD2012, too! There were sooooo many events, parties, crops, etc going on for NSD on Saturday all over the world….  Leave me a note and tell me about your adventures!  I’m off to kit up some projects for my My Creative Escape retreat that’s coming up in two weeks… it’s going to be a crazy couple of weeks here.

Inky Smiles!

5 thoughts on “NSD 2012: A Day at Doodlebug!

  1. Hi Erin!

    Huge hugs to you! It's so good to see you! You are one lucky gal, I tell ya, being about to go to Doodlebug! What an awesome post. Thanks SO much for the wonderfully colorful snippets of your fabulous day. Sure seems like you got a lot of goodness out of the day. Yay!

    Life sounds good for you and that puts a big ol' smile on my face.

    Good luck with the retreat you've mentioned. I'm sure it will be fabulous.

    My NSD was spent at Amy's basketball game (they won, yay) and then taking the girls to a Girl Scout Mother/Daughter dance. Fun, fun, fun!


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