Up To No Good… Or something

Up To No Good… Or something

Ok so I thought I would share a little bit of what I have been up to the last several weeks, besides working and not crafting. I do have to admit that I did TRY to craft earlier this week but failed at miserably at what I was trying to do (making faux stained glass) so I piled up the pieces on my desk and then tossed them and went back to Facebooking and helping out Brent.

Many of you know that Brent has been on the city council for our town for the last 4 years. Well, this year he decided to run again for re-election. For the past several weeks he has been going out door to door campaigning and meeting people of the town again. He has taken off every Friday from work and is gone most evenings until after dark. I’ve been helping where I can. I have helped make fliers, posters, logos for bags of candy, lots of phone calls, etc. It’s crazy.

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On Labor Day we had a parade in our town and Brent and I and several supporters walked (I drove the jeep) in the parade. We had kids and adults that threw candy and waved and passed out flyers and Brent walked the parade route and handed out flyers and talked to folks along the way. The parade was loads of fun and we had a big bbq afterwards for all those who helped out.


There were so many helpers, it was amazing! Our good friend, Tom, rode at the back of our parade entry on his shiny new motorcycle with the flag flying off the back. It was super cool!


During the parade the girls/kids in the jeep with me would yell out “I scream, you scream, we all scream for BRENT!” and “Make noise for BRENT!” and “WE LOVE BRENT”. It was quite hilarious and cute. We tossed thousands (120 lbs = 18,720 candies) of Tootsie Rolls to the crowds and the kids would yell, “Make noise for Tootsie Rolls, make noise for BRENT!” (Below photo taken after the parade on the way home.)


My sweetheart… ready to walk the parade route. Isn’t he cute? I sure think so 🙂


A few nights ago we had some friends over to staple and rubber band the last 1800 flyers to be passed out this last week of campaigning.

Take this


plus this


and you get this




even little Josie had to get in on the action… (Sadie hid out under the table for the most part.)


There’s nothing like friends with a built in sweatshop teenagers who have nothing better to do on a Monday night while mom studies for her Pharmacy Tech exam…. Seriously, we appreciate the help! Rubberbanding 1800 fliers flew by very quickly with so many hands helping out!

We’re in the home stretch… it’s all over on Tuesday, win or lose, hopefully win. Brent loves working for the people of Payson and doing something good. I hope he can continue doing so.

And if I never see another rubber band again I will die a happy camper…

Inky Smiles!

8 thoughts on “Up To No Good… Or something

  1. Erin,
    Love hearing about Brent and how you are all working hard to get him re-elected. Wish I could vote for him! He made the most beautimous stamp ink/marker storage cabinet I've even seen (hanging in my craft room!).


  2. Cool! I worked on numerous political campaigns in my younger days and loved every minute of it. Good for you! And, I hope Brent wins. Married to you, he's GOT to be a good guy!

  3. Ooo I hope Brent wins. If I were there I'd have helped do these for you late on a few evenings. I can't ever sleep! Was thinking about that – how much work goes into an election/re-election. So many take it for granted all the signs and flyers up. Someone made those, you know?

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