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Tag: Recipes

Kung Pao Chicken

Kung Pao Chicken

Many years ago the mister and I would often go to PF Chang’s and get Kung Pao chicken. It used to be a favorite, but over the years PFC’s food has seemed to go downhill and we haven’t been back in many years. One night I decided to come up with a version of Kung Pao Chicken that we both liked and that was fairly simple to throw together on a weeknight. I’m not claiming this is “authentic” or even…

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Rustic Burrata & Salami Pizza

Rustic Burrata & Salami Pizza

My husband is a big time fan of pizza, especially homemade pizza. Me, on the other hand, I can go a long time without eating pizza. When I do eat a pizza I want the crust to be on the thinner side on the bottom and have a super bubbly and chewy crust. A few nights ago we made a pizza with a crust that was absolutely amazing. I played around with dough – this one that works amazingly with…

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Yum Yum Bars

Yum Yum Bars

Oatmeal cookies are one of my MOST favorite cookies ever and these are a serious winner in my book. Combine a thick oatmeal cooking with a yummy chocolatey filling and Yum Yum Bars are what you get! My friend, Lethicia, shared these with me last fall and I have made them several times since, twice in the first two weeks after she brought me a plate of them. HA! Apparently they are a thing and have been for a while,…

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Chicken Taquitos

Chicken Taquitos

One of my most favorite foods ever, in the history of food are chicken taquitos… but not those gross ones made with paste from the freezer section of your fave grocery store. A good, homemade, shredded chicken taquito that has been fried perfectly golden. For weeks I’ve been telling the mister “I want to make taquitos.” And for weeks we’ve either been too busy or too tired. Today I was both, but dang it I wanted taquitos. They were supposed…

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Garlic Butter and Cracked Pepper Croutons

Garlic Butter and Cracked Pepper Croutons

Croutons are kryptonite to me. For real. I can not resist a good, garlicky, buttery, sometimes cheesy crouton… but I don’t always love the icky stuff (preservatives, artificial flavors, etc) in commercially bought croutons so sometimes I make my own. Last week my Utah besties came to visit. We saw Ed Sheeran (absolutely amaaaaaaazing) in concert at Mile High Stadium (Empower Field at Mile High), wandered and explored and ate entirely too much good food. On Sunday we had a…

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Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies

Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies

I was never a huge lover of brownies… … until I found a recipe online many years ago that was really yummy. I made it the first time as written. And then I tweaked it for high altitude… and then I tweaked it some more, made more adjustments and added my favorite black cocoa powder and then added a peanut butter swirl. Holy moly, my new favorite brownie recipe was born. This is the easiest brownie recipe! The most difficult…

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Papa’s Mexican Steak

Papa’s Mexican Steak

Sometimes in your life you meet an amazing person online… I have met many amazing people, through creative interests and foodie interests. I met Carla several years ago in a foodie group and we just really clicked as friends. She is both crafty and a foodie. Over the years we have traded recipes back and forth as we shared our excitement of yummy food. A month or so ago she shared the recipe for her dad’s Mexican steak – Papa’s…

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Sweet & Sticky Crispy Beef

Sweet & Sticky Crispy Beef

We made this Sweet & Sticky Crispy Beef recipe from Pups with Chopsticks recently and it was AMAZING!! It is absolutely AMAZING. It is a bit of work, but it is totally worth it. The first time we made this we did not have potato starch so I used corn starch and it was plenty crispy that time. This time we used potato starch and it was even more AMAZING! I hope you give this a try! Edit: Funny Story…

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Happy Hallowinter & Cookies!

Happy Hallowinter & Cookies!

Hello again and Happy Halloween! We have been getting slammed with snow here in the Rockies this week. I think we got roughly 12″ of snow this week. Crazy for October, even at 6,300 ft! Ellie didn’t mind so much and the mister worked from home a couple of days. I baked and painted and spent a few days in my jammies. I love this spooky little haunted house scene! It took a couple of days to sketch out and…

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